
Along the Road

James Tissot - Sick Awaiting the Passage of Jesus Along the road they gather, those who have heard and want to believe. Will healing bring them closer to the Word? Will sight help them to stand beneath His cross and see the son as He is? Along the road they call out. He will touch the leper. He will cause demons to submit. Will the wretched kneel in homage when they no longer bleed? Will they recall His name when He rises from a tomb? Along the road they plead. God hears them today and tomorrow. He needs but to walk past and allow you to touch the hem of His garment, and you will either sing of miracles, or explain away the sores that once bled. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr

Hear O Israel

First of the commandments, the most important, one that stands out among all the rest, a scribe seeks an answer. Hear O Israel, the response flows with ease from the mouth of the chosen. Hear O Israel, love the Lord your God with every fiber of you being. And the second, there are two, which shape the answer sought. Hear O Israel, love your neighbor as you love yourself. Do these things and you will not be far from the kingdom you seek. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr

Are We?

How do you see us now? Are we rebellious children who ate a fruit you commanded us to leave alone? Are we those who lacked faith in what could not be seen and bowed before a golden calf? Are we a people who grumbled and thus wandered the wilderness without a home? Are we the multitudes that pray for miracles and use coincidence to explain the occurrence? Are we bystanders who mock the innocent when they drag their burdens through the street? Are we the ones who condemned the son of the vineyard owner when he came before us? Are we those who stand up for anything but faith and embrace pride as a blessing? Are we the many who seek wealth rather than the grace of knowing you? Are we the children you breathed life into who've turned away from your face? How do you see us now, Lord? copyright 2025 -Donald P James Jr.

They Told Us

First they told us that the Words of the Bible, weren’t really God’s.   They told us that while it may have been inspired, the Holy Book was really the work of men and in essence, flawed, as all men are flawed.   Some agreed, others, who clung to God’s word were said to be uneducated.   Then they told us gender roles were archaic.   We were nothing, if not the same.   They said the defined family unit was abnormal, that mom and dad didn’t always live together, and claiming that to be the normal family was unjust to those living in other households.   Then they voted choice, rather than life.   They started using words like fetus and embryo or cluster of cells.   They chose not to mention the child within the womb.   They said it prevented back alley abortions.   They said it was the moral thing to do.   Thus life doesn’t begin until the mother chooses to allow the infant to breathe.   Then we were told it would take...

Knock (Matthew 7:7)

The Lord's Prayer - James Tissot Knock, He promises to hear. He will always answer and open the door for you. Knock, kneel or sit. Don't ask that He hear, there is no question, He does. Knock, He knows your needs. He knows your petition. There are no formulated words needed. He always answers. Knock, He told His disciples. Those who seek will find, those who ask will receive. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr


Fra Angelico - Christ the Judge "Come," He says, and the sheep who have clothed, fed, and given drink, will question the reward. "Come," He says. "When I was hungry, thirsty, and naked, you saw to my needs." And the sheep shall come before the throne. "But what of us?" Ask those on the left. "When did we stand before you? When did we withhold food and drink from you?" "Leave me," He says. "When did you do any of this for a stranger, or a prisoner? When did you do any of this for one less fortunate? For I am the wretched in your midst. I am the hungry. I thirst. I stand before you now, and ask. When?" copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr

The Tempter

Christ in the Wilderness - painting by Moretto da Brescia I will give you all your heart desires. The tempter waits. He is vigilant in his observance. He waits for you in your wilderness, seeking the moment when you lose sight of the Lamb. He will mock you by offering the objects you yearn for, or the emotions you crave. The tempter waits. He is patient in his action. Soon you will hunger, soon you will thirst, soon you will question faith. The Lamb has gone before you. He has ventured out, as example, knowing the angels will protect Him, lest He dash his foot against a stone. In His weakness the Lamb protects His own. In His weakness there is more strength than earthly kingdoms of gold, or elaborate wealth. I will give you all your heart desires. The tempter waits, for the wilderness to empty you, into its vastness. Without the weakness of the Lamb, to save, you would surely be lost. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr

Hindrance of Sight

Carl Bloch - Healing the Blind Man (1871) "So, I was people watching the other day," she says.  Her name is Julia.  She has graying hair and stubby fingers, which move constantly as she speaks. Her companion, a former co-worker, and now a retiree asks, "Where?" "Wally World." "Wally what?" "You know," Julia replies with a smile, "Walmart.  I was just walking around the store watching people.  Sometimes I go to the casino and do the same.  I see young people with blue hair, young women wearing inappropriate clothing, people who are too over weight for their own good.  I wonder about their lives.  One person seems to walk through life unscathed, another has a difficult time finding solid footing." "You base this on their appearance?" Without answering the question, Julia says, "Where is it that there is a blind beggar named Bartimaeus in the Bible?" "The Gospel of Mark," her companion responds. ...

Vineyard of the Lord (Luke 6:43-45)

Hypocrites, do you know you are the rotted tree. You cling fast to a tradition, what clothes to wear, which prayers to speak, but inside, deep in the core of your being, there is nothing but rot. Hypocrites, no tainted tree can produce good fruit. It spawns only what it is. If the tree's nature is vile the efforts of any gardener will offer up nothing but decay. Do not seek grapes among the thorns. Seek them instead, in the vineyard of the Lord. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr


You exist on the brink of life. What will become rests on the decision of another. How could one  squander the gift? What is it now, perhaps just a cluster of cells, the world's view, nothing more than an inconvenience? Or maybe a gift offered by the hand of creation. There are excuses, many. Some show where your heart truly lies. Others show the Godly desire to hold the tiny hand of your child in your own. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr