
Showing posts from September, 2018

Children of the Vine

Sing a song of praise, the vineyard is mine. I tend it daily and it's fruit shall be abundant, its goodness will overflow. For now, do not doubt my compassion, even when I have cause to anger. You, my children, are the branches and I am the vine. You wage hatred among yourselves. Battle over wars which are not yours to win. You scar the beauty of the plowed field with Abel's blood. Sing a song of praise, for I have not forgotten the flavor of each grape. You who are sour, you who are sweet, you who are blessed in my sight. When the summer is dry I cry tears of moisture and when the night is cold I embrace you to my bosom. Cling to me, flourish within the vine, merge with me, nurture yourselves on my kindness. The song you offer, be it one of praise. Some offer words to ravage, others offer lyrics of hate. Your song, children of the vine, must be of love. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr 

Matthew 19

Does our law allow these things? And with the question He points back to scripture. "Have you not read". All the answers are right there. But you have to have eyes to see and ears to hear. Why then... and but...? Because you are dense, hard to teach. Two shall unite, man and woman, as in the days of creation. No man may separate or redefine. They ask a question, specific, and the Lord's answer encompasses so much more. They question divorce and He defines marriage. Does His law allow these things? copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

One Song

One song offered on high, four voices in harmony blended by the years. Intimate voices praising the one truth, called to minister long ago, now called to other fields. We have blessed many despite our flaws. We have touched the heart and soul of those who stopped and listened. We have ministered to those who seek, as to ourselves. One song offered on high, a bittersweet tune, for we have sung its lyric and played its chords one last time. We who are the harmony offered to He who gives us voice. We who are the intimate praise offered to He who stoops low to listens copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

The Sermon

This collection of poems and short stories is near to my heart. Inspired by a brief moment reading a commentary on about the beatitudes. I pray any of you who choose to read this collection are deeply touched by God's spirit and everlasting love.

Where is Your Heart?

Are we the generation, spoken of by Matthew and Mark, who honor the Father in word only, while their hearts are lost. We read, study and think, only the Pharisees are guilt ridden by the referenced sin. It is they, and not us, who worship such rules, made by man. Where is the command spoken by God, claiming the burden on a man's shoulders, the rule without foundation, brings our heart closer to His. Are we the people, sometimes called hypocrites, who stand chastised by Isaiah's word spoken from the Messiah's tongue, bound to the law of the mind and not the truth of the heart. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr