
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Humble Servant (John 1:6-18)

From out of the dessert, the wilderness, where one has prayed without luxury and drawn close to his creator. Animal skins for clothing, one who will never make a name for himself. He will leave all the glory to the one who shall be glorified. His life is but to come and prepare a path for those who have never considered themselves to be holy. The one who follows is greater. The Word made flesh. The one who has come from His heavenly throne to walk among us. And the humble servant in animals skins opens the eyes and hearts of the few that the Word might embrace the many. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

Do Not Ponder

And the Lord says, do not ponder the end. It will come when the fruit is ripe. For now, you must watch, be on the lookout and prepared. Do not say he will be here tomorrow, or on the day that follows. Only the Father is aware of the sun's course, the stars and the moon. Concern yourselves then with prayer, with loving the unloved, with feeding the hungry, supporting the broken and speaking this message to the world. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

The Word (John 1:1-5 & Genesis 1:1-2)

The Word was, in the beginning, Genesis, and the Gospels. The Word witnessed creation. Through the Word all was formed, moon and stars. The Word is the essence of the sky, the sea, of mountains and valleys. The Word is a spoken utterance bathing all creation in light. A light dispelling all darkness. A light no shadow will ever quench. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr