
Showing posts from November, 2018

Handrail of Heaven

His hand is still small in ours, though larger than before. His voice forms syllables and words understood. He walks with steps much smaller than ours, concerned about sidewalks, squirrels and nuts. He tells us the color of a car and a Jeep, reminding us that a school bus is yellow and we need to check the mail. A walk of simplicity. Nothing matters but the moment. His small hand in ours and our hands on the handrail of heaven. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

Lead Me

Lead me to the light, where peace is in abundance and I can give glory to all creation. Lead me away from the shadows of despair, the harvest of greed and selfishness. Lead me toward Your radiance, a gentle guidance showing me the proper footfalls. Lead me where you have led those who chose to follow, without looking back, at the darkness from where they came. Lead me Lord, into the light of Your love, never failing despite my failures. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr