
Showing posts from February, 2025


You exist on the brink of life. What will become rests on the decision of another. How could one  squander the gift? What is it now, perhaps just a cluster of cells, the world's view, nothing more than an inconvenience? Or maybe a gift offered by the hand of creation. There are excuses, many. Some show where your heart truly lies. Others show the Godly desire to hold the tiny hand of your child in your own. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr

This Is Why (Proverbs 1:2-6)

This is why. Learning, as an attentive student, to words that offer wisdom, instruction helping you to see, giving you insight and the ability to understand. This is why. That you may be wise in your ventures, moral in your dealings. That you might teach the simple to be shrewd. That you might share the knowledge of your experience, righteous. A wise man will listen. Because he hears, his knowledge will be multiplied. And a man who seeks to know will sit comfortably at the feet of those who instruct. This is why. To obtain discernment of the world's darkness and it's light, and to gain the knowledge of the one who speaks. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr

John 8:47

James Tissot - He who is of God hears the word of God He sat with his back to a pillar.  The crowd, previously gathered had dispersed.  A few remained, those of us who would not leave his side, and a few who sought any opening to make a challenge against his teachings. He had only just saved the adulterous woman from the stones of men who believe they do not sin.  He told the throng that the sin was theirs as well as hers.  All should be stoned.  Every stone in every masculine hand was dropped to the ground. He also knew what the Pharisees and scribes had in mind.  In response to words they had yet to utter he turned to us and said that he was the light of the world.  I could tell John was taken by that phrase. Then the teacher continued, while his enemies waited for an opening.  Again, he mentioned his death. "I am going away." We all pondered what this meant, but there was much more that he had to say.  Listening as John listened, one phras...

A Generation Seeking Signs (Mark 8:12)

He sighed deeply and said, "Why does this generation seek a sign." Mark 8:12 Anthony Van Dyck - Jesus and the Pharisees Seeking signs, a generation finding faith so abstract, and physical manifestations something to be pondered as of God, or the evil one. If the dead are risen from their eternal rest, will that foster faith? If the lame walk and the blind see, will that melt your heart? The Father asks you to come by faith. Those who need signs will always ask for proof and never believe what they have demanded. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr


Standing on the shore of Gennesaret, a lake teeming with life. Those who fish are empty, soon their nets  and their souls will be filled. Fishermen on Gennesaret, men who labor to still their hunger. Cast out your nets, tired and laden, one more time. Standing on the shore of Gennesaret, He of who the crowds speak. A miracle is at hand. He stands along the shore, watching. copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr


We have a choice, do we stand by You, Lord, or do we stand by the religion of the world? What does it offer, the stone and soil I step upon? Does it offer peace or the embrace of love? Does it offer riches that last, or shelter from its many storms? Does the world leave me with a place of rest when my day is done, or does it leave me unfulfilled, desiring what I have not sought? Remind me of these things, when I kneel, or read the Word You've given. Remind me of these things, when I am more willing to listen to the voices of man's faith and not the songs of my God.  copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr

Empty Nets

The sea lapped against the side of their boats.  The night had been unproductive for both vessels.  Men with muscular builds and hair covered limbs hauled their nets from the water.  Even empty, lifting the nets from the sea was a chore for tired arms. "The catch is barely enough to feed my family." The speaker of the complaint was solidly built.  His clothing had soaked up sea water and sweat.  His day was ending with mounting frustration. "Things will get better, Simon." For a brief moment Simon believed his brother's passive response to their looming starvation, or more urgently, their inability to pay the tax, had some basis in reality. "Once again, Andrew, do I have to listen to your view of our lives, wasted on fish and the call of the sea?" "It would be possible... to be something different." "We have been fishermen all our lives.  You and I know no other trade.  I cannot, overnight, become a carpenter.  Neither can you.  I am not...


Do you see the beauty in the deciduous tree, stripped of its garments, branches bracing the chill, ready to embrace the spirit of new birth?   Do you see the beauty of emptiness, the earthen vessel, the clay pot, emptied of all it once contained, to be filled to the brim with grace?   Do you see the cross members, rough-hewn beams, bound for humiliation, tools of Roman execution, planted on a hillside, overlooking the Holy City without a trace of indignity? copyright 2025 - Donald P James Jr

If He Is Who He Claimed

First Speaker:   What do you think... about... what they say? Second Speaker:  They? First Speaker:   You know... those lunatics... that's what everyone is calling them. Second Speaker:   By everyone, you mean the authorities? First Speaker:   Yes. Second Speaker:  Why would I pay any attention to some lunatics? First Speaker:  I mean, think about it... that boulder... how could it be moved? Second Speaker:   A group of men, strong men, lunatics. First Speaker:   There were guards. Second Speaker:  Probably drunk.  Maybe they abandoned their post. First Speaker:  Maybe. Second Speaker:   You probably shouldn't say too much about all that. First Speaker:   Why? Second Speaker:   The authorities.  They were getting tired of the antics.  They're still looking for the others. First Speaker:   They don't scare me. Second Speaker:   Suit yourself. First Speaker:   He forgave them you know....