Who Do the Crowds Say that I Am?
Let yourself enter this scene. The apostles are gathered around, maybe there's a small fire, the night might have a slight chill. They're sharing the remnants of bread and fish. I imagine there is some laughter, celebrating over the wonders they have been witness to. They have just seen five thousand people feast on five loafs and two fishes. They've been filled by a miracle of God. They have been present at the calming of the storm and the healing of an official's daughter. And as their joyful chatter subsides for a brief moment, Jesus says, "Who do the crowds say that I am?" The day had been so long. We were tired, yet filled with an excited energy. Jesus preached, we listened and the crowds gathered. With all that we have seen to this point, I... we still had our doubts. The day was growing toward evening. The time was getting short for all these people to return to the shelter of their homes. They were hun...