
Showing posts from May, 2018

Greater and Less - A Sermon (John 3:30)

Jesus asks this of us, let My light outshine your shadows, let My will hold more importance than yours. I stand for myself often, plotting my course to some perceived comfort and fame. Yet Jesus asks to be greater as we evolve into less. Jesus asks this of us, allow Him a chance to guide, a chance to lay His footprints before ours, through the sands of our worries. Know we cannot stand without Him. We are to lay down our pride and our desires of personal glory. Then He will gain greatness in our hearts, as we become less. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr


Reflections kindled by a flame, soft. A time recent or a time distant. A memory of joy and sorrow, for we have aged this night. Was I a child once, as you? Was I ever ancient until today? Role models in my life have returned home, eager for their maker's embrace. I long for their tenderness and wisdom. Reflections, fleeting from my thought, a song, a taste a verse read and treasured. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

All That I Am

All that I am, sinner, prideful, greedy. I am the one wandering from the flock, causing the shepherd to rescue a rebel. All that I am, pompous, self-righteous, arrogant. I am the one filled with thoughts of denial and betrayal. Still, He comes into my darkness and brings His light. All that I am, less than I am to be. He came to stretch His arms wide on a barren tree, because He loves me despite myself. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

Perfect Peace (Isaiah 26:3)

Lord, help me to trust. Help my spirit, prone to wandering, to follow Your pathway and refrain from considering other courses. Lord, help me to surrender all of me. Help me to keep my thoughts on You and leave the world's ideals behind. Lord, I cry out for peace and ignore its presence in my life. My anxious ego blossoms into selfishness and I separate myself from the flock following You. Lord, bring me to peace. The peace that You give, freely, not the peace the world wants me to believe I need. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr