
Showing posts from 2024

It's About Grace

It's about grace. A power that gains strength in weakness. It's about turning the belief of those who see into a tapestry witnessed by the sightless. It's about a conquest for the soul of man fought with the blood of love. It's about grace. A blessing sufficient for those of faith. It's about the lost being found and the self-righteous floundering in their piety. It's about a barren tree where a body had hung, flesh now risen, and alive. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Did We Know

Did we know it would be grace, or did we expect a sword? Did we understand blood would be shed in victory, not in defeat?   Prophets spoke and we interpret their words as traditions and dogmas.   But grace won the victory, as blind as we were, without raising a hand to defend His words.   Did we know it would be grace, which would rule a kingdom never the spoil of battle? Did we expect a war to be fought by love? copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Beneath His Heel

Morning crests over the horizon. Carols of angels can be heard, if you listen with your heart. The past lingers with the present. A child cries in a feeding trough. You can hear him with the faith of a mustard seed. This is the morning we've anticipated. Darkness has given way to the light. The people who walk in shadows have no reason to hide. Born is the one foretold. Born is the one who will crush the serpent's head beneath His heel. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Come By Faith

They had been sitting in the fields for most of the night.  Their sheep were gathered into the sheepfold, protected from harm.  Isaac sat at the gate watching the stars overhead.  He understood little about the movement of heavenly bodies.  He knew only that in darkness the moon rose, and day was blessed by the light of the sun.  Still, he noted the twinkling of lights, and the recent arrival of a brighter light, he'd only recently begun to see. "Day dreamin', Isaac?" Caleb asked.  He was older than Isaac, both in age, and in years as a shepherd.  The life Isaac had found himself in had gripped Caleb by fate.  His father, and his father's father had performed the same task. "Just watchin' the sky," Isaac responded. "Star gazin'.  That's what it's called." Not insulted in anyway by Caleb's harsh reply, Isaac said, "Do you ever take note of the changes in the heavens.  When it is warm there are certain lights in the sky. ...

God With Us

Dream of Saint Joseph - Gerard Seghers "God with us." The words of an angel in a dream. The impact of truth. The burden cast onto your shoulders by the world's hypocrisy melts with the shadows of doubt. "Do not be afraid." A son will be brought forth, a promise of the prophets. A sapling that will grow into a mighty tree. The righteous branch that will save His people. Behold, and the words of Isaiah manifest themselves in the vision. The angel has come and spoken that the man might accept, what the world will not. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Micah 5:2

The Adoration of the Shepherds - Bartolome Esteban Murillo Bethlehem Ephrathah, insignificant, you have a voice among the prophets, yet you were silent. When there was cause to embrace, you stood in the shadows, ignoring new birth, divine flesh. When the shepherds sang praises, you saw the filth on their flesh, considered them drunken, not worthy of your ears. Bethlehem Ephrathah, small among the clans, you have been witness to a prophecy you chose not to hear. Were there wise men among you who sought a king you waited for? Did they lead you to poverty rather than wealth. Do you slumber now, City of David? Do you know tomorrow's world will be changed by love, not war? Bethlehem Ephrathah, pathway of cultures to come, a child has touched your soul despite your complacency. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr


Stained Glass - 15th Century Germany A name, Holy, spoken by Mary, a young woman, the mother, the one chosen, pure in heart, when greeted. Hail, speaks the cousin as the child in her womb dances. Grace fills this moment, like few to pass. The mother of my savior has come. Proclamation of the soul, the promise of generations. Spirits exult in prophecies fulfilled, for God has come to save His people. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Poem of Cleansing

Adoration of the Christ Child - Gerard Honthorst A promised beacon willing to guide me home. Flesh coming into the world to absorb every stain of my sin.   The Word of the Father spoken through the sonnets of prophets. Songs of Kings and angels weaving the fabric of a covenant.   Come into our world, for we are no longer shepherds. We are bound to luxury and not the land. We do not see the signs of Your time.   Come as a child, when our hearts are coldest. My soul longs and my heart aches. Come as my savior pour out upon me Your cleansing blood. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Pine Tree

"Is it perfect?" Marcy said as they stopped along the short path. It was quiet on the edge of the woods, walking through the tree farm.  She loved the sound of snow crunching under her feet.  The three inches that had fallen three days ago was crusty underfoot.  The sun was trying its best to melt winter's dressing.  Marcy could feel the glowing warmth on her face, despite the cold temperatures. "Better than perfect," Robert replied. This would be their first Christmas as husband and wife.  They had come out to tag the tree.  It would later be cut down and Robert would pick it up with his Ford F-150 next weekend. "Will the star fit on top?  It is my Grandmother's star.  It has to fit on the top." "It will," Robert assured her. She wrapped her arm around the crook of his elbow. "If I listen," she said. "I can almost hear the sap running through the bark." "You're thinking of Maple Trees." "Nope.  I am...

The Light in Your Heart

The Annunciation - Bartolome Esteban Murillo There was a light, dancing where no light had been. A voice signing a sonnet known only to those with the purest hearts.   He calls and the one who listens is most blessed. She takes each word, holding it dear, question out of innocence, not doubt.   Child, chosen by the light of your heart. The spirit embraces you, and generation upon generation will look to your humility as they seek their own. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Bethlehem Waits

View of Bethlehem at Night - Josef Langl Bethlehem waits. Gabriel speaks. Zechariah questions. Mary says, "I am the Lord's servant." A visitation. A child dances in the womb. Elizabeth speaks a blessing. Mary sings of humility. His name is John. Zechariah's response. The voice in the wilderness. Born of the barren. Bethlehem waits. The day of longing. The cousin of John. Savior of the poor. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

A Christmas Prayer (2)

  Come Lord, as the infant you were in Bethlehem, as the teacher you were in Galilee. Speak to the veils before my heart, to the dirt on my soul.   Come Lord, as the friend at table, in Bethany or the Upper Room. Speak to my hatred and fears that I might understand Your love.   Come Lord, risen after long days of darkness. Step out from the tomb of my sin. Speak to me with the voice of my shepherd.   Come Lord, into a world sleeping, a world unprepared, a world unbelieving.   Come Lord, to the meek, to the impoverished, to the lonely.   Come Lord, into a feeding troth, with filthy rags and straw. Come into my heart, at times as cold and desolate as the manger and claim me as Yours. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Season of Hiding

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light Isaiah 9:2 The season of hiding is passed Come out of the darkness. Come to the place of bread. Watch by the stable. with the oxen and donkeys. People of darkness, people of hopelessness, walk toward the light, foretold by prophets in a world desperate for the son. The season of hiding is passed. Dance where there was only sadness. Laugh where there was only grief. Witness the child, the light of the world. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

A Feeding Trough

"It's beautiful," the young woman with curly brown said, walking a complete circle around the rustic creation. The old man, a carpenter by trade, wearing denim overalls that had seen paints of various colors, looked at the product of wood and nails.  He chewed on a bit of tobacco while resting his thick hands on his workbench. "It's a feeding trough," he responded. "Nothing special about a feeding trough." "Don't you see?  The wood is perfect." "That's the wood your father wanted me to use.  Said he got those pieces of timber from some old barn next town over.  Some of the boards were beyond use, rotted.  Did what I could." "It's perfect," she exclaimed a second time. "For feeding animals, yes.  There is no beauty in rough lumber that will do nothing more than hold feed for sheep and donkeys." The young woman walked over to the trough and placed her hand on the wood.  It was rough, just as the car...

Song of My Songs

I sing you a song of my songs, one that speaks of all beauty, a field where wild flowers bloom and our youthful legs scamper through. I sing you a song of my songs, one where your hand is in mine, where our fingers have entwined and our hearts long to beat as one. I sing you a song of my songs, sung from a heart in your hands, with words not always perfect, rhythm never flawless. I sing you a song of my songs, one we have promised to sing together, no matter the joys or sorrows, wherever we go. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr


Learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves,  you know that summer is near. Mark 13:28 He paints a vivid picture. His brush lays down strokes of truth. Though patterns of color seem difficult  to understand. He paints a sunless sky, leaving empty voids where once the moon had filled. Every star has fallen, burnt out embers of what was.  He paints looming clouds of glory, Recognized by the elect. This canvas has no timeframe, other than tender sprouts of trees bearing figs. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Luke 18:8

When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8 Jesus Discourses with His Disciples - James Tissot - 1890 It seems less today, a question once asked, when He spoke of judges and ended His parable, pondering faith. Pay attention. The Father hears those who cry out day and night, security is gained. Their prayers are heard and their rights are upheld. He sees to it that justice is done. Faith seems to diminish in His eyes. A closing thought when looking over those closest in faith. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

I Wander

Spirit, I wander. A portion of my soul is left where I last encountered you.   He told us He would send you to dwell in the hearts of men, but so many deny you access.   I am no innocent bystander. I see the faltering of all who chose sin and I join their slander.   Spirit, I wander. The abyss longs for my embrace, but your touch, your influence, keeps me from falling. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Watch Out for Those

He wore a robe that flowed behind him.  His tassels were neat, and his scripture box was in place.  His strides were confident.  He was greeted with the nodded heads of respect.  Toward some he returned their respectful actions, on others he cast a scowl, a judgement. "Watch out for these." A man dressed in tattered garments said to those gathered round. The words caught the ear of the well-dressed man.  He approached the crowd as the man who spoke a warning pointed in his direction. "These teachers of the law," the man at the center of the crowd continued. "Of whom do you speak, Rabbi?" The well-dressed man spoke his final word with contempt.  He did not consider the man before him to be anything but a vagabond preacher with no real knowledge of the scriptures. "Answer me this." The man in tattered clothes stood up from the crowd and moved toward the ordained teacher of the law. "Do you not find pleasure in the respect given to you?" ...

Fraudulent Faith

What sign can you show us for doing this? John 2:18 Among the columns supporting faith, merchants. The sounds of coin tickles the ear. A perfect dove for sacrifice has come at a good price. Sheep and oxen soil the floor. The whip was made of cord, slashing through the air with an anger unseen in prior days. A house of prayer is sullied. Purity is not to be purchased. Signs, always signs. As if those who ask could understand. "Destroy me and in three days I will rise." The pompous with fraudulent faith will never understand. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Do You Not See

Behold, I will bring them back from the land of the north; I will gather them from the ends of the world, with the blind and the lame in their midst, the mothers and those with child; they shall return as an immense throng. Jeremiah 31:8 Watch, do you not see? They come as promised from the north. They come like the sheep, called by a shepherd. They come from all ends of the world, gathered by the potter. Those who cannot see are guided by those with sight. The lame are carried by the strong. Mothers with their children and those who will soon bring new life to the land. Watch, do you not see? The great throng is coming home. Coming to the land promised to their ancestors. A land returned as a covenant of love. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr


"So, because you are lukewarm,  neither hot nor cold,  I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16 Saint John Write the Book of Revelation on the Isle of Patmos - Gaspar de Crayer Neither refreshing, nor soothing. Neither quenching the thirst  on a hot day, nor healing as warmth should. You are lukewarm. You can claim to be neither cold, nor hot. Your temperature disgusts. You are to be spit out of the mouth. You are lukewarm. You have seen the falling away, the weakening of every Gospel. You place the world in your view and cast off the Word. You are lukewarm. Laodicea, your wealth, your position in this world, means nothing, if you neither refresh or heal. If you are lukewarm copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

In His Shadow

Sometimes it is simply a single step, a stride that keeps me in His shadow when the sun is before us.   Sometimes there is silence, as if He is waiting for my thoughts, words I might speak despite His knowing.   Sometimes there are gentle whispers, sounds barely slicing through the world’s noise. I have to listen closely. He wants me to be attentive.   Sometimes it is unmistakable, He has spoken and I have heard. In these moments the Spirit has come upon me and peace embraces my soul. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr


A single breath, a wind song through pine branches and fields of ragweed.   I have taken another step into the day with desire to keep my path straight.   I seek to find peace even when it surrounds me, for I don’t always recognize my home.   Lead me on a sojourn without conclusion, until I am standing before You.   Lead me on a sojourn to seek what is given, not what is wanted.   Lead me on a sojourn hearing clearly the melody of the single breath on the wind. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Galatians 5:18-20 (A Sermon)

"The sins of the flesh are obvious.  You know them in your heart.  Because you are led by the spirit, no longer under the law.  Do they need to be listed for you?  Do they need to be itemized?"  He looked over the congregation, took a deep breath and continued with his sermon. "Some are being led astray by the voices of the world.  Celebrities and politicians lead you away from the truth of the spirit.  They are marionettes who dance on strings controlled by their evil desires.  How many babies have been slaughtered?  How many young children have been manipulated to see a world void of God?  How many of you have thought ill of a brother because of the media's fixation.  Do you wear the badge of the world on your arm?  I hear it is gaudy, trimmed in gold.  Or do you wear the badge of the Lord?  The badge stained with dust, blood and splinters of wood." He took a drink from a bottle of water at the pulpit.  There w...

Seeking Signs

There are signs sought in the sky and upon the earth. You seek them in the clouds or in the leaf fallen from a tree. You seek them in wars or in devastating storms. Just as their was no sign for the Pharisees, there will be no sign for you. If you seek a single moment to change your life, from the path of evil, it will pass you by. Do you not know that not even the bridegroom knows the moment when he will go to his bride. Do not waste your time watching the shades taken on by clouds. Do not despair over the groans of this world. Instead, look to he who sent his son, sent his grace and mercy, and offers you life eternal. copyright 2024 -Donald P James Jr

A Kingdom Divided

How can you stand, ununited, divided by truth and falsehoods, without reverence for the Almighty? Ruins, every city and household which cannot stand as one will crumble. How can we stand, red and blue, without union to blend our separate colors to purple? copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

From Capernaum to Emmaus & According to John

Available at the links below.  From Capernaum to Emmaus  According to John


River of Life (From the Book of Revelation - Urgell Beatus) Water of life. Water of salvation. Water of Jesus. Water poured out over the altar in the dry lands. No longer symbolic, Jesus is here. "Come to me if you thirst," He calls out to the crowd. Some listen, some quench their thirst on things, some turn away in haste. Blest are those who have ears to hear. Water from the fountain of life, eternal life, offered from the steps of a temple soon to be ruins. Offered from a beam of wood bathed in sacred blood. Offered from the outstretched arms of He who quenches your thirst. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

This I Am (Come to Me)

Saint Augustine and Two Angels Adoring the Crucifix - Guiseppe Passeri This I am, the one who sees your distress and offers you a place of peace.   This I am, the one who hears your cry from the wilderness and stands ready to embrace you when you turn back.  Come to me. Take my burden, it is lighter than what the world offers. Come to me. My yoke will teach you, for I am good, I am holy.   This I am, the one who loves you without fail. I am the one you can cling to when all other doors are closed.  copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr