
"So, because you are lukewarm, 
neither hot nor cold, 
I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

Revelation 3:16

Saint John Write the Book of Revelation on the Isle of Patmos - Gaspar de Crayer

Neither refreshing,

nor soothing.

Neither quenching the thirst 

on a hot day,

nor healing as warmth should.

You are lukewarm.

You can claim to be

neither cold,

nor hot.

Your temperature disgusts.

You are to be spit out of the mouth.

You are lukewarm.

You have seen the falling away,

the weakening of every Gospel.

You place the world

in your view

and cast off the Word.

You are lukewarm.


your wealth,

your position in this world,

means nothing,

if you neither refresh or heal.

If you are lukewarm


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