
Showing posts from July, 2024

Here Is a Boy

Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes - Bartolome Esteban Murillo "I think you should," Miriam said to her younger brother Isaac. "But mother gave this to us, to eat, should we become hungry." Miriam, much like her mother, gave her brother what he considered the evil eye.  He hoped someday to be as wise as his sister.  Since their father's illness and death, Isaac was the only man in the family.  He was only nine, and didn't want the responsibility. "What do you think, Sara," he said to his younger sister. She shook her head.  As usual, she had no opinion. "There are so many people," he commented. Miriam placed a hand on his shoulder. "If others have brought food as well, this will be a picnic worthy of all the prophets." "You would say something like that.  But what if these Barley loaves and fish are all?" "Isaac, do as I say.  I am willing to go without, so is Sara.  Did you not listen to the words of this man?  Hav

Twelve Wicker Baskets

Fragments of  a miracle. Pieces and scraps left over once everyone has had their fill. A chunk of fish, a crumb of barley bread, and the handwork of God manifests the moment. Food for the hungry when a crowd is overwhelming, made reality by a word prayed by the Word, made reality by the Son's request of the father that His will be done. Fragments of a miracle. How much will be remembered, when stomachs are filled, the taste of fish has faded, and the twelve wicker baskets are filled to overflowing? copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Put On Love

Sometimes it is hard to do this, to put on love. We are told to hate the sin, but to embrace the sinner made in the creator's image. How difficult is this, when the iniquity of pride is celebrated by our world. Sometimes it is hard to do this, to be patient, when all is crumbling in our midst, when we are told that ungodliness is beautiful and our creator is prone to mistakes. We are told to let peace enter our hearts, in these times. Not just any peace, but His. Sometimes it is hard to do this, to let God's word enlighten wisdom in the depths of our souls, when daily the world slanders the giver of good things and spits at the base of His son's cross. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Shepherds Scatter

Shepherd with a Flock of Sheep - Charles Jacque Shepherds scatter, as it was so in Jeremiah's day, as it was so when Jesus walked the earth, as it is in the day in which we now live. Shepherds scatter, when walking in the footprints of their own pride, rather than those of God. Shepherds scatter, over dogmas which sever His body. There should be union, bound by strengths, rather than divisions of weakness. We need to stand as one body loving God, believing the words of His son, knowing that from His death comes life. We need to love each other regardless of sins without celebrating those iniquities the world accepts. We need to focus on the narrow door through which many will refuse to pass. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr


  Bound by chains, enslaved, submissive to demons of our own design. Crying out when He walks past, knowing He is our only hope. Chains of sin. Chains of hopelessness. He stands before us, outstretch palm, wounded through flash and bone, raised. "Be gone," He says. And we make the choice, to toss the chains at our feet and walk in His wake, or refasten the bonds around  our wrists. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Clear Water

Clear water, cleansing water, water to wash the body, the mind and the soul. I have stains, but this water, this living water, Jesus spoke about, washes away every blemish of sin. Clear water that flows from mountain streams smooths the surface of rock and sand. Clear water that soften the jagged edges of iniquities bore by those who cup the fluid in their hands and pause to drink. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

A Prophet Has Walked Among You

They shall know that a prophet has been among them  Ezekiel 2:5 Christ Walking on the Water - Julius Sergius von Klever You should be able to tell by the imprints left by his sandals. Is there evidence that a heavy beam was dragged behind him? You should be able to tell since he was shunned by those who knew him most, by those who'd seen him when he was less serious about life. You should be able to tell by the words spoken from his mouth, or by the results of his hands being laid on the afflicted. A prophet walked among you. The lamb stood in your presence and you said, "Not him.  He is just a carpenter. Not him.  He is unacceptable, even in his own home." copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr

Come, Let Us Reason

Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord Isaiah 1:18 Come, let us reason. Let us come together, creator and created. You have walked a road with out light. You have strayed from your guide. You are a lamb influenced by wolves. Come, let us reason. Let us gather at a sacred place, father, son, spirit, believer. You have deceived and slandered. You have painted your souls with sin. You are a lamb, sullied by the dirt of the field. Come, let us reason. let me embrace you once again, a loving father, a prodigal child. I will wash away your scarlet stains. I will make you white as snow. I will cleanse the dirt from your garments and welcome you home. copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr