A Prophet Has Walked Among You

They shall know that a prophet has been among them

 Ezekiel 2:5

Christ Walking on the Water - Julius Sergius von Klever

You should be able to tell

by the imprints left by his sandals.

Is there evidence

that a heavy beam was dragged behind him?

You should be able to tell

since he was shunned

by those who knew him most,

by those who'd seen him

when he was less serious about life.

You should be able to tell

by the words

spoken from his mouth,

or by the results of his hands being laid

on the afflicted.

A prophet walked among you.

The lamb stood in your presence

and you said,

"Not him.  He is just a carpenter.

Not him.  He is unacceptable,

even in his own home."

copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr


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