
Showing posts from 2018

Night Sky

One star, which few pay attention to, dominating a sky over fields of thirsty brown grass. They labor with care only for food and rest. Few have heard the promises. None have sought to seek. Maybe a curse is spoken. Maybe the illumination in the night sky is too bright. Was there singing? Voices in harmony, beautiful. A chorus of wings, christening the night with glory. Are words spoken to your heart or ears? Is there a burning to seek an answer to a question you haven’t asked? Glory to God. Tonight He has done a great thing. He has come down into the world of the humble and called to Himself the poor. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

Handrail of Heaven

His hand is still small in ours, though larger than before. His voice forms syllables and words understood. He walks with steps much smaller than ours, concerned about sidewalks, squirrels and nuts. He tells us the color of a car and a Jeep, reminding us that a school bus is yellow and we need to check the mail. A walk of simplicity. Nothing matters but the moment. His small hand in ours and our hands on the handrail of heaven. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

Lead Me

Lead me to the light, where peace is in abundance and I can give glory to all creation. Lead me away from the shadows of despair, the harvest of greed and selfishness. Lead me toward Your radiance, a gentle guidance showing me the proper footfalls. Lead me where you have led those who chose to follow, without looking back, at the darkness from where they came. Lead me Lord, into the light of Your love, never failing despite my failures. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

The Humble Servant (John 1:6-18)

From out of the dessert, the wilderness, where one has prayed without luxury and drawn close to his creator. Animal skins for clothing, one who will never make a name for himself. He will leave all the glory to the one who shall be glorified. His life is but to come and prepare a path for those who have never considered themselves to be holy. The one who follows is greater. The Word made flesh. The one who has come from His heavenly throne to walk among us. And the humble servant in animals skins opens the eyes and hearts of the few that the Word might embrace the many. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

Do Not Ponder

And the Lord says, do not ponder the end. It will come when the fruit is ripe. For now, you must watch, be on the lookout and prepared. Do not say he will be here tomorrow, or on the day that follows. Only the Father is aware of the sun's course, the stars and the moon. Concern yourselves then with prayer, with loving the unloved, with feeding the hungry, supporting the broken and speaking this message to the world. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

The Word (John 1:1-5 & Genesis 1:1-2)

The Word was, in the beginning, Genesis, and the Gospels. The Word witnessed creation. Through the Word all was formed, moon and stars. The Word is the essence of the sky, the sea, of mountains and valleys. The Word is a spoken utterance bathing all creation in light. A light dispelling all darkness. A light no shadow will ever quench. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

Children of the Vine

Sing a song of praise, the vineyard is mine. I tend it daily and it's fruit shall be abundant, its goodness will overflow. For now, do not doubt my compassion, even when I have cause to anger. You, my children, are the branches and I am the vine. You wage hatred among yourselves. Battle over wars which are not yours to win. You scar the beauty of the plowed field with Abel's blood. Sing a song of praise, for I have not forgotten the flavor of each grape. You who are sour, you who are sweet, you who are blessed in my sight. When the summer is dry I cry tears of moisture and when the night is cold I embrace you to my bosom. Cling to me, flourish within the vine, merge with me, nurture yourselves on my kindness. The song you offer, be it one of praise. Some offer words to ravage, others offer lyrics of hate. Your song, children of the vine, must be of love. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr 

Matthew 19

Does our law allow these things? And with the question He points back to scripture. "Have you not read". All the answers are right there. But you have to have eyes to see and ears to hear. Why then... and but...? Because you are dense, hard to teach. Two shall unite, man and woman, as in the days of creation. No man may separate or redefine. They ask a question, specific, and the Lord's answer encompasses so much more. They question divorce and He defines marriage. Does His law allow these things? copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

One Song

One song offered on high, four voices in harmony blended by the years. Intimate voices praising the one truth, called to minister long ago, now called to other fields. We have blessed many despite our flaws. We have touched the heart and soul of those who stopped and listened. We have ministered to those who seek, as to ourselves. One song offered on high, a bittersweet tune, for we have sung its lyric and played its chords one last time. We who are the harmony offered to He who gives us voice. We who are the intimate praise offered to He who stoops low to listens copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

The Sermon

This collection of poems and short stories is near to my heart. Inspired by a brief moment reading a commentary on about the beatitudes. I pray any of you who choose to read this collection are deeply touched by God's spirit and everlasting love.

Where is Your Heart?

Are we the generation, spoken of by Matthew and Mark, who honor the Father in word only, while their hearts are lost. We read, study and think, only the Pharisees are guilt ridden by the referenced sin. It is they, and not us, who worship such rules, made by man. Where is the command spoken by God, claiming the burden on a man's shoulders, the rule without foundation, brings our heart closer to His. Are we the people, sometimes called hypocrites, who stand chastised by Isaiah's word spoken from the Messiah's tongue, bound to the law of the mind and not the truth of the heart. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

Feed Them

Five loaves, and the voice of Andrew adds, two fish. What can be done with so little when there are so many? I as a man, believer or doubter. I as a follower, saint or sinner. What can I do to feed the multitudes begging to be fed? A little boy with a basket of hope, the twelve entrusted with the Word and the five hundred offered a miracle made capable by the hands of the one who says, "Feed them". copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr


You are faithful, despite my doubt. I question and make promises, covenants, with You, I am too sinful to maintain. And yet, You are faithful. You soothe me when I am anxious and remind me that your covenants have always been kept. You embrace me when I am defeated. Pick me up when I have been brought low. You light the darkness around me and beckon me to follow Your ways. You are faithful despite my denials. I cling to my notions as if they are Your will, wandering as a lost sheep. And yet You, O Lord, are faithful. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

I Need You Lord

I need You Lord. I turn my face to the rain, asking to be cleansed, only You can wash away my impurities and transgressions, not the rain. ~ I need You Lord. My enemies, my fears, are defeated by Your hand, but the storms around me are of my doing, my own creation. ~ I need You Lord. Open for me, the garden's gates. Heal the wounds of serpent torn flesh and satisfy the emptiness in my soul. ~ I need You Lord. From the soil of the earth I call to You, in life and death. You are the essence of my every breath. You are my God. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr  

Two Poems (from the Collection - Pictures of the Messiah)

The Edge of His Cloak (Matthew 9.18-26; Mark 5.21-43; Luke 8.40-56) Blood flows and weakness ensues. The strength to face my days lessens. There is little compassion for the sick if hemorrhaging scars the ailment. This flow makes my flesh unclean and all who touch me are impure for the allotted days. As I near the moving crowd those who know of my condition move away, afraid that I might brush against them and stain them. I have heard rumors about You. You are my final hope. My offerings have gone unanswered. My prayers have been unheard. I struggle to reach You, using all my strength to close the distance. I want to simply touch the hem of your garment. I know You can make me well. “Who touched me?” Your voice frightens and sooths. I have overstepped my boundaries. I am a woman plagued with a menstrua l curse and You are a man. I have defiled You. Please Lord forgive me, for being so bold as to reach

Some Days I Struggle.

Some days I struggle. Do you? I wish for tomorrow to push today aside. I want the voice beckoning me to stillness, to give way to silence. I am an overeager bundle of thoughts I cannot put to music or paper. I want another moment, forging its way into the present. I don't seek solace in today. The Psalm I read this morning, while my coffee was hot, has lost its meaning by mid-day. In the routine of the day my office fills with shallow voices of faithless ideals. Prayer is for a church, or by your bedside, but not where others may be of witness. Some days I struggle. Do You? I tried to read John, chapter 1 and found myself staring at words of type and not the thoughts of our Father. Today the sun shines tomorrow it might rain. I want neither weather pattern to affect me. I want to sit in a field with one book, written by one author, hearing the voice of my creator and listening to no other. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

Sparrow and the Leaf

The leaf takes on the hue of autumn and the Father of all gives his consent. Just as the sparrow sings a final song before leaving this life. The LORD hears its song and is aware of its death. The leaf, changing color and falling to the earth, the LORD has counted each one and witnessed their dances of glory, their dances of praise, their dances of worship. The sparrows, He has bestowed upon them every song ever escaping their throats. He is the author of every note and the beauty of their songs glorify His being. Little ones He has counted every breath to ever fill your lungs. He has made note of each tear, each smile to ever decorate your face. Little ones change your colors gracefully, as He wills it. Dance in praise of Him whenever you sing, be it the first song from your lips or the last. copyright 2005 - Donald P James Jr  

The Fortress of the World

This world is a fortress for unbelievers. Those at the podium curse God and slander His word. They mock His decree, saying faith is outdated and intolerant. But the world has build its castles on sand. It has rejected the cornerstone which would have held firm throughout every storm. It has removed prayer from its vocabulary and peace from its heart. In fits of anger they curse the children of God, with words vile, while considering themselves to be righteous. But the justice of the Lord will prevail. His compassion will tear down the walls of sin, softening hearts of stone. Like a bride, or a virgin with lamp well lit, those who come out from beyond the fortress of the world will not be disappointed. copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr

I Am He (John 4:1-42)

Carl Heinrich Bloch - Woman at the Well He asks me for a drink of water.   The man, a Jew, who sees me for what I am, but still, does not condemn my flesh. I have known many like him, those who claim a special union with the God of my ancestors. Do I know of Messiah? Do I believe he will come to rescue the house of Israel?   Is Samaria included in the liberation? Stories, told by my angry father.   Stories told by a couple of my husbands, amid laughter and cheap wine, I do not share this thought with the Jew at the well. He looks to be neither a warrior nor a charlatan. Why would he ask me for a drink?   My ancestors worshiped on this mountain.   We do not journey to the temple in Jerusalem and offer doves and unblemished lambs to God.   He should not consider us clean. He speaks of life giving water, living water.   I will never thirst again if I drink the water he offers.   How can that be, the dust of this land brings a thirst difficult to quench