
Showing posts from January, 2017

Who Touched Me? (Mark 5:25-34)

Who touched me? Fibers of one spirit mingling with another. Emotion flows outward a stream of water, purity, God's strength. Who touched me? There is illness pressing in, challenging concepts of cleanliness. Who is to say if a disease is a curse upon any of my creations? Who touched me? When the crowd presses in, stroking my garments. There is one who has faith, despite all she has been told. She bled for a time, but no more. Who touched me? Daughter do not tremble, you believed as few will. You sought healing and took what was offered. Who touched me? Your prayer spoken at a bedside melts into the fabric of my being. I hear and I feel. I am not the bronzed calf. I respond to your every supplication with love. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

The Innocent

My Father, Lord of heaven and earth,  I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people  and showed it to ordinary people. Matthew 11:25 (CEV) William-Adolphe Bouguereau - L'innocence You have shown Yourself to the innocent, to those who draw no pride unto themselves by tearing down Your word. You come to those, unexpected, the ones who listen, with tear brimmed eyes, to every syllable You speak. Long awaited promise, some have forgotten the expectation. They interpret themselves into lordship and explain Your thoughts, falsely, to those beneath them. But You Lord, have shown Yourself to the poor in spirit. You offer inheritance to those who seek Your gaze and a word of comfort to those who listen. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Be Still

Jesus stood up and commanded the wind,  “Be quiet!”  and he said to the waves,  “Be still!”   The wind died down, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39   Rembrandt - Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee Quiet, be still, calm the storm in my restless soul, sooth the waves threatening to drown me, carry me away into the depths. I cry out in despair and for a moment I am tormented by doubt. You tell me to have faith. You tell me You will answer my prayers to the best of my needs. You allow the storm to cleanse, to take from me pride, leaving in its wake humility. You will not allow the boat to capsize, and be taken away by the sea. Quiet, be still, You have not abandoned Your child. I am cradled in the palm of Your hand, calmed by Your touch, by Your voice as the waters around me settle peacefully at Your command. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr


Just a thought and a prayer in a moment of early morning reflection. ~ Lord remind us, in the depths of our hearts, when a child is welcomed into the world there is potential for the world to become a better place.  Potential that this one life, wanted, desired, prayed for, a life given to the embrace of a loving family, might offer this world  the goodness he has received.   Photo by Ashlee M Konow copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr.

Feed Me, Clothe Me, Shelter Me

The insistent knocking on the door continues and we don't wish to answer. "Feed me when I am Hungry," "Clothe me when I am naked," "Shelter me when I am homeless," The world calls out for nourishment and we respond for only political gain. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr


Light, consumed by shadows dispels no darkness. Light, cloaked by the dusk of evil offers no clarity. Hold the lamp where it may be seen. Let its illumination chase the vile acts of night from unseen corners, harboring transgressions. Light, on a pedestal to shine forth. Light, giving vision to blindness. Light, filling the heart of one who believes and offers our world hope. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr The Sermon (Reflections on the Gospel of Matthew 5-7)

An Unclean Spirit (Mark 3:20-30)

Jesus Teaches - Tissot How can they say this spirit is unclean? He has laid hands upon all forms of maladies, healed shame and defilement. He has looked upon those we would not see, spoken to them as we never would. How can they speak an unforgivable sin? Only goodness can flow from the heart of God, like rivers of pure water. His words are inhaled as nourishment for the soul. He speaks words shining light on the shadows. How can they say Satan touches Him? Do they not feel the presence of God, or is this grace only for those with low spirits? He has lifted us up from the mire of our sins, touched the untouchable and loved those only God would love. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

For They Were Fishermen

While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.   And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”   Immediately they left their nets and followed him.   And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them.   Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. Matthew 4:18-22 (ESV) He walked along the shore, over moss covered stones and the sea's discarded vegetation.  The water filling the basin before Him teemed with life.  He watched fishermen casting their nets.  He watched others mend the tools of their trade. He counted them all, the fish, the stones and the laborers. Through the work of His father's hand all life was created, the visible and the invisib...

All My Days

For all my days, Lord, may I dwell in Your house? This I ask, a solitary request. Lord, be my refuge, be my strength and be my salvation. This is what I seek, my quest, the focus of my contemplation and prayer. For all my days, Lord, may I sit at Your feet? Allow me the sound of Your word and the healing poured out by Your blood. Lord be all I need. Feed my hunger, quench my thirst. For all my days, Lord, may I dwell in Your house? May I rest in the room You prepared for me. May I dwell within the peace You promised, worshiping the lamb sacrificed, that salvation might be granted. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr


I will listen to what God the Lord says; he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants, but let them not turn to folly. Surely his salvation is near those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land. Psalm 83:8-9 (NIV)  Dwell where we dwell, in a land where your spirit is sought, where mountains touch two oceans and the plains offer an abundant harvest. We stand divided, one man from his neighbor, even in our places of worship. Help us to not use You as a focus of our disagreements. Make us red and blue in our hearts. I will listen and serve, because the reward for obedience is peace. I will pray for hearts to melt and words to unite. You will not leave me wanting for the ideals of yesterday and tomorrow. This day is all I need.   Let anxious thoughts flee from my soul for You are the giver of the earth. Let this soil be bountiful. Will it by Your hand that the farmer sows good seed. Keep the ene...

Why Do You Think Such Things

At once Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he said to them,  “Why do you think such things?  Mark 2:8 Why do you think such things? Is it because some voice with perfect tenor told you this was so? Is it because it was written on a stone tablet? There is much in the law you ignore. Guidelines with much more importance than rules about particular days and the forgiveness of blemishes on your souls. Do not limit what the father in heaven is able to achieve. His will is beyond your understanding and imagination. You destroy in His name and instruct in your own. Why do you think such things? Did I ever tell you to let the hungry starve, to let the withered waste? Did I ever tell you to condemn for sin , when only I see the purity of a heart. Rise, pick up your burden and dance. Your sins are no more. They have been washed from your soul , because love has come into your world. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Back to Capernaum

  A few days later Jesus went back to Capernaum, and the news spread that he was at home. 2  So many people came together that there was no room left, not even out in front of the door. Jesus was preaching the message to them 3  when four men arrived, carrying a paralyzed man to Jesus.  Mark 2:1-3 (GNT) He had returned to Capernaum and we were glad to have him back among us.  We were hearing of all the wonderful things he had accomplished.  There were stories, claiming he had cast out evil spirits and even healed a leper. Like most men we had to see this for ourselves. There was a paralyzed man in town.  His name was Eli.  He had been that way since his birth.  Now there were those who said he was paying for his parents sins and the sins of their parents.  Whether or not that is true is for the scribes and Pharisees to discuss and argue about.  We were fishermen, with worries of our own.  We were friends of Sim...

And We Gather (2 Timothy 4:1-2)

I solemnly urge you  to preach the message, to insist upon proclaiming it (whether the time is right or not), to convince, reproach, and encourage, as you teach with all patience.  2 Timothy 4:1-2 (GNT) And we gather in the morning to praise, proclaim and preach. One body with many limbs, listening to a pastor or priest. The message is the word and the light we need in this day and the next. Those who do not know the love binding us as one, turn their backs at every anointing of the bride. Teach them, whether they shield their eyes or not. Speak when they do not listen. Convince when their hearts are hardened. His love, taught today and tomorrow, is unchanging. The beacon before you, guiding your words and actions in the times of holiness and those that are void. And we gather in the evening to give thanks for the day's grace. A people acknowledging their struggle, a body soothing its pain. We are the word He has commanded us to pre...

I Am Dust

My feet have tread in filth. I am dust without water to quench my soul. Can I stand before You as defiled as I am, knowing Your basin of forgiveness is poured out for me. Call me in from the streets staining my flesh, where I have crawled toward my demise. Pour Your healing fluid over my pride. Embrace me Lord, as You humble Yourself before my sinfulness. Hear me, my God, when I am at my lowest. Wash away the dust causing my sin and remind me how much I need You. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Even in the Lonely Places

As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places.  Yet the people still came to him from everywhere. Mark 1:45 (NIV) He came to soften hearts  and heal souls, but His hands cleansed, brought sight to the blind and opened the ears of the deaf. The deserted places embraced Him when the streets  overflowed with needs for the miraculous. Places of loneliness where no one would tread. Still they came from their squalor, from their ghettos, from their religious doubt. They came from the shadows  interwoven  in their lives. And He preached to them, fed them, healed their diseases. He loved them without hesitation, even in the lonely places, loving all that they are and all they will be. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Are You Prepared?

They have spoken of Him among the nations. Some have listened, others have turned their ears to sweet tasting vices. How long will the flavor last on your tongue before it becomes sour. You have heard His name spoken from mountain tops and city streets. Some embrace the truth, others ignore. The pleasures of shadowy corners, tempt. Darkness smooths every scar. Are you prepared, now that all nations have heard? Are you carrying your lamp, lit brightly, with plenty of oil? Is the thought in your heart a prayer or a fornication of His word? copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Here as Dust

In the valley darker than night there is a single thought clung to in prayer. I am here as dust were it not for the soul. I am a vessel of vile whims were it not for the cross. Lead me to the road directed toward Your light. Support my burden for I am weak. I am the lost sheep in field without boundary. I am the son returning home to his father and I am the harlot kneeling to wash Your feet. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

The Broad Path

Enter by the narrow gate.  For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction,  and those who enter by it are many. Matthew 7:13 (ESV) The easy road, the broad path offering distractions of every flavor and shade. The route most will find comfortable, without challenge, without heartache. Walk the way of the lost and never stumble. The easy road, dimly lit to hide the flaws defining its course. Look into the shadows, at the destitute, who believe the popular slogans at the cost of their souls. The easy road, the broad path traveled by many who believe in their own righteousness. A road without a destination worthy of the journey. A road for those who wish to not seek the light. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Less Than You Are (Matthew 7:21-23, Luke 13:25-27)

Lord, Lord they call out knowing His name only, but not His heart. They speak His name because they have studied His word, justifying each syllable, weaving them into the fabric of their lives. Lord, Lord do you know us? Your name is branded on my flesh and Your cross hangs from my neck, symbols of religion worthless without faith. Lord, Lord they call out. We prophesied in Your name, spoke in Your churches, cast out those who were sinners, instructed them in the ways to worship You. Lord, Lord Your will was not done. We spoke verses, but never heard. We loaded burdens we would not carry and assumed You were less than You are. copyright 2016 - Donald P James Jr From the Collection;  The Sermon

Purifying Our World

Snow, a lacy white garment, covering the iniquities of our world. A white cloth covering the depths of our our most intimate scars. The thought is pondered by my soul as I trudge through the morning spectacle. In the immediate moment the white power holds such beauty, purifying our world in a cloak of forgiveness. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr