An Unclean Spirit (Mark 3:20-30)

Jesus Teaches - Tissot

How can they say this spirit is unclean?
He has laid hands
upon all forms of maladies,
healed shame
and defilement.
He has looked upon those
we would not see,
spoken to them
as we never would.

How can they speak an unforgivable sin?
Only goodness
can flow from the heart of God,
like rivers
of pure water.
His words are inhaled
as nourishment for the soul.
He speaks words
shining light on the shadows.

How can they say Satan touches Him?
Do they not feel
the presence of God,
or is this grace
only for those with low spirits?
He has lifted us up
from the mire of our sins,
touched the untouchable
and loved those
only God
would love.

copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr
