
I do not deserve the grace You pour out on me.
I do not deserve the light bringing me in from the shadows.
I do not deserve the echo of Your whisper in my ear.
I do not deserve a single splinter from the wood of Your cross.
I do not deserve the thorns pressed into Your scalp.

I do not deserve the bread You offer, or the wine.
I do not deserve to be served at Your table.
I do not deserve forgiveness for any weak addictions.
I do not deserve Your peace or Your love.
I do not deserve the blood You have washed me in.

What do I deserve for cursing You,
for turning my back on hope and celebrating vices?
What do I deserve for striding through dark alleys,
purposely staying out of the light,
and pushing You away for the moment?

Am I not Cain?
Am I not the multitudes laughing at Noah?
Am I not the chosen being led off into slavery?

And still...
You extend Your arms
to embrace all that I have defiled.
You have washed the mud from my face and hands,
blood for my offenses.
You have offered me manna
and a seat at Your table.
All I need to do,
is step from the shadows into the light
and accept what I do not deserve.

copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr


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