Those Who Never Looked (Isaiah 65:1)

He is the rare jewel,
stumbled upon
by those who were not searching.
Some never thinking to seek Him
before hearing His name,
praised by the crowd.

Many claim knowledge
and know little.
They do not call Him Lord,
or Savior.
He is a man in their hearts,
a prophet, maybe.
He is a rebel who died,
that many might live.
Caiaphas knew not the truth of his words.

The uncircumcised,
the unwashed,
who themselves have deserts
still to wander,
find in their midst
a pearl
never deserved.

Yet He spreads out his hands
seeking those
who have never thought to ask
and has been found
by those who never felt
deserving enough
to look.

copyright 2018 - Donald P James Jr


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