Proclamations of the Messiah

James Tissot (French, 1836-1902). The Lord's Prayer 

It is written. (Matthew 4:4)


Prophets shared the message given to them in dreams.  They put to writing songs sung through the breeze, or fanfares brought forth by magnificent storms.  As bread sustains the moment, Scripture fulfills your life.  The word of God has promised offspring to Abraham, freedom to Moses and forgiveness to all of the twelve tribes… and the gentiles.


It is written.  Absorb the flavor of each word.  Do not just know that the words exist… live them.  Feel the love of the covenant, given by pure love as an act of love.



The time has come. (Mark 1:15)


And thus it has.  He stands here now.  You can seek Him out, in the Jordan, in the desert, on the shore of the lake, on the mount where He preaches, or in the temple.  Soon He will enter the Holy City triumphantly.  You will see Him on a donkey.  You may share a meal with Him, bread and wine.  You may pray in the garden, by His side.  You may help Him carry His cross after He has been condemned and you may stand beneath the wooden scaffolding watching forgiveness bloom.


The time has come for you to listen and understand.  The stone is rolled away from the tomb.  You are no longer foreigners in this land.



Why are you looking for me? (Luke 2:49)


Why would we not?  You are the promise.  You are the covenant in flesh.  Old men will sit and listen to You, but we are not able to let You soar from our grasp… yet.  You have work to do, and so do those entrusted to protect.  No matter how holy, we do not understand the will of one who sent You, not today, but maybe tomorrow, or maybe when the years have passed and the Spirit has come upon us, like tongues of flame.


Why are you looking for Him, because you have little need to?  He must be about His father’s work, sharing His word with those who seek Him, sharing the truth with those who are lost.



What are you looking for? (John 1:38)



The kingdom of God, the answer to the covenant the prophets spoke of.  We are looking for the Messiah, the Prophet… Elijah.  We are looking for one who will give us hope.  We are looking to follow… longing to follow, to be disciples, but we simply ask… where do you live?


What are you looking for?  He knows your heart, and in the hours that follow You will reveal your soul.  A soul He already shares intimacy with.  A soul He has and will mold to be His own.


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