
Heinrich Hofmann, "Christ and the Rich Young Ruler", 1889

"Define for me, love," he said to the teacher.

"You tell me," the teacher replied as he scratched his thick white beard.

"If I love, do I not accept you as you are?" he asked.

"Do you?  Do you affirm everything that I am?"

"I guess so."

The teacher sat on the surface of a flat stone.  He crossed his legs and studied his student.

"What is the greatest piece of literature?"

"I guess with all its translations, I would have to say the Bible."

"And what does the Bible say about love?" the teacher asked.

"That we should love God and our neighbor..."

The teacher held up a hand, stopping his student. "You are describing and action of love, but not love.  Wouldn't you say that the act of a man giving his life for another, is an act of love?"

"But... that is an action as well," the student responded.

"Ahh, so love is an action.  A verb."

"It's not an easy thing to take hold of."

"True.  So, do you love me, and by that love do you affirm everything that I am?"

The student shrugged.  The teacher smiled.

"Three moments in the life of Christ answer this dilemma.  A woman interrupts a meal at Simon the Pharisee's house.  Her sins are great.  She cries on the feet of Jesus.  He tells her that her sins are forgiven, she should go and sin no more.  He loved her, but he did not affirm her sin, or lifestyle.  She changed her life.

"A tax collector climbs a tree to see Jesus through the crowds.  Jesus tells him they shall share a meal.  The man is overjoyed and promises to give half his possessions to the poor, and to pay back anyone he has wronged, four times the amount.  He repents.  The angels in heaven sing.  You know how it goes.

"Then there comes along a rich man.  Some texts say ruler, but he is a man of wealth.  He has lived a good life.  He is not ashamed to say so. 'How do I inherit eternal life?' And what does Jesus say?  Give away your wealth.  Give away the one thing in your life that is more important than God.  The rich man walks away.  Jesus loved him.  Jesus showed him the road of salvation.  Jesus did not affirm his life."

The younger man thought for a moment and said, "So, love, as Jesus loved."

"But do not relate love with affirmation.  Love the harlot, the tax collector, the rich man, because they are children of God.  But do not affirm their lifestyle.


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