Scatter Good Seed

Inspired by a line in Mike Pinder's song 'Have You Heard'
Recorded by the Moody Blues, on the album 'Threshold of a Dream'

Scatter good seed in the fields.

The line of a song stays in my mind for days.

Have you heard?

The song writer asks the question.

I have listened to the melody.

I have sung the words in beat with the spinning disc of vinyl.

But have I scattered seed,

and is any of it good.

It's odd,

how the focus of my mind holds on to those worlds.

The rest of the song,

though beautiful and prophetic,

doesn't strike me today,

as those words do.

Scatter good seed in the field.

Sometimes I need to remind myself

that these words are seed.

They can bring out good,

or evil.

It is a matter of how they are scattered

and where they land.


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