Simeon's Song

Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts.  When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God sayin:

Luke 2:27-28

“Simeon in the Temple” by Rembrandt


now you may dismiss your servant,

my life can end in peace,

for with my aging eyes

I have seen the child who is

our salvation

and I cradle Him gently

in my arms.


This child Lord,

is Your gift to the world,

a light of brilliance

shining forth to reveal

Your way to the gentiles

and bring glory to Your people

and I cradle Him gently

in my arms.



chosen daughter,

many will reject this child

and their sword

will pierce through your soul.

This will be their sin.

He will be a sign from God,

despised and spoken against,

but to others He will be

their deepest joy.

From the Collection; An Advent Journey


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