Separate Shores (We Stand and Watch Each Other)

 Inspired by a lyric in a song by Joe Wise, 'Lord, Teach Us to Pray'.

We stand divided,
skin tones,
right to life,
the meaning of Communion.

We have bowed down
to the desire of the media,
of politicians,
religious authorities
and the evil one.

Were we ever one?
Were we ever on the same shore?
Maybe once we were more tolerant
and the river between us
wasn't as wide.
Maybe once we had faith.

We are tearing ourselves
at what gain.

If you listen
can you still hear Him,
or has His voice diminished
among culture's raucous scream.
Has His voice
been filtered out
by hate,
and the lack of love.

Lord, teach us to pray,
while we still have time to kneel.

copyright 2024 - Donald P James Jr


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