Rachel's Tears (Matthew 2:18)

Where is God's view in all this?
Do we listen if he were to speak?
I think not.
I think we are deaf.
We are concerned with our own daily need to stand for views that divide
and thus,
when a child,
when a mother,
when the innocent are slaughtered,
we take sides.

Some will stand with the people of Moses.
Some will stand with the people who brought Messiah to the world.
Others will stand with terrorism,
a pledge to kill in the name of God.
They will praise the destruction of a people.
They become the bloodied Satan
and will receive no reward.

I console myself
by saying the temple is not rebuilt.
But in this awful time the streets of the Holy Land
are desecrated.
Voices cry out in Ramah,
women wail and mourn,
Rachel is weeping for her children.
She refuses to be comforted,
because they are no more.

copyright 2023 - Donald P James Jr


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