
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Plan of Life (Jeremiah 29:11)

The creator of life has chosen the path you should travel upon. He will guide you on the journey, never leaving your side. He wants to lead you to the well of prosperity, not disaster. It is there that you will eat and drink abundantly. Trust in Him, nations and individuals. He has promised to gather you together, from every country and make a people who will love the Lord. If I choose to step where He directs, I will be blessed. He has only the best in store for me, His child. So I will in turn to Him, offer my praise, my trust and my love. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Denial and Betrayal

Lord, I have tried not to deny You, but how often have I failed? Little tastes of sweetness which turn sour in my mouth. I hold the devils fruit in my hands and it burns my flesh. Have I taken You to places where Your love should never wander? Have I sent You off to tomorrow hoping to meet You there, because I was busy today. Have I chosen sins to ignore and scars to justify? Have I found passages of Your word to twist to my own? The wounds I suffer are not of Your infliction, they are of my own. Lord, denial is so close to being betrayal, brothers of a similar cause, but Peter offered repentance and Judas hung from a tree in Akeldama. Give me the humility of Your rock. Build upon me a foundation of faith, lest I become proud of my darkness like the one who was lost. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30)

Weeds that grow up among the wheat, choking the goodness the soil has to offer, pushing aside the grain planted by the sower of souls. Weeds reaching for the glory destined for the good seed, the bright orb that nourishes the bounty of the intended  harvest. Weeds trying to imitate wheat, pulled from the soil when the time is ripe, separated in rustic barns by the workers and tossed into the flames.  copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr From the Collection;  From Capernaum to Emmaus

Speak His Name

Speak His name. Call out from the summit of every height, the name above all names. Tell them all that He is the Word of God, He is the bread, the light. He is the one who spits in clay and gives you sight. Speak His name, where His name is ridiculed. In every dark corner abandoned by hope, utter His praise. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr


Throw another stone at flesh judged, vile, as the wounded cries for mercy. We condemn those whose sin is unlike our own, picking up the largest stones for the ungodly and immoral. If you are without defilement cast a rock. Throw it at your target with all your  God given strength. But woe to you who hurl into the air, judgement, you had better live  in perfection. For you have asked Him, from your knees, to judge you as you have judged others. Copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

I Understand You to Be

Sight unseen, the mystery of Your word. I feel its truth in the marrow of my bone. You are the essence of life. I have never witnessed, nor walked in sandals such as Yours. I have been told and submitted my heart to trust. I understand You to be more than doctrine, more than a supreme dictator, demanding my allegiance. I understand You to be more than creator, more than the one who breathes life into my clay. I understand You to be a promise come unto flesh and the lover of my soul. Sight unseen, I take Your spoken sylables into my heart, where You can nurture my spirit and guide my every step. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Mark 6:34

Sheep without a shepherd, needing green pastures in which to graze, gather in the foothills wanting to eat and drink. Sheep without a shepherd, aimless in their journey. A gentle voice fills the silence, listen and you will hear. If you long to see, look. If you long to hear, listen. If you long to feel, touch. Sheep without a shepherd, needing the care of divine love, wandering through the throng that listens and hears His voice. copyright 2002 - Donald P James Jr


Drifting, a piece tree, discarded, in the grip of a turbulent sea. Taken in the current's chosen direction without effort on my part. Drifting beneath the hot sun of endless days, baking me dry. Listening to a gentle voice on the sandy beach. One who does not tire of saying, "Follow me". copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Grumbling (Exodus 17)

We grumble against Your spoken word when it guides us against our choosing, allowing a discontented spirit to take root. The desert consumes us if we allow its sand to swallow our souls. We wander the vastness without direction, deciding to vacate the path of our guide. We thirst for You more than water. Like Peter we will always be stupid men, yet his confession of weakness is not ours due to pride. You will draw a river from a stone. Your skies will rain manna. You will fill our needs in abundance. Your blood will cleanse away our sins and still we grumble. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

The Prodigal Son (Parts 1 & 2)

  The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) – Part 1 He sat with tax collectors and others who were considered outcasts.  The Pharisees grumbled, upset because Jesus sat in the presence of sinners, those their law considered unworthy.  And He told them stories; about a lost sheep, a lost coin, a lost son: ~ I went to my father and told him that this life was not what I wanted for myself.  I needed to find my own sense of worth.  Despite the love he held in his heart for me I needed to find my own way.  A life of farming was not what I envisioned for myself.  I asked for my inheritance, as bold as that sounds.  I demanded my half of everything my father owned. And he gave it to me. With my share of my father's wealth I headed to a foreign land.  I intended to have the best of times, eat, drink, be merry and take my choice of beautiful, exotic women.  I fell in and out of love, if that's what you would have called it....

Where is Your Light?

If therefore thy whole body be full of light, having no part dark, it shall be wholly full of light, as when the lamp with its bright shining doth give thee light. Luke 11:36 (ASV)    Where is your light? Is it hidden under a basket or has it become subject to doubt? Does it fade in radiance when deep shadows converge in dark alleys? Where is your light? Does it glow in the face of an enemy or is it visible only to allies? Are you a candle flickering in the breeze? Is your light struggling to stay lit? He is the light of the world. He bathes us in His radiance that we might touch the untouchable and give strength to the weak. So where is your light? Is it hidden by sin or complacency? Is the world around you a bit darker because you decided, today, not to shine? copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr From the Collection;  From Capernaum to Emmaus

Let Us Reason ( Isaiah 1:2-20)

Come, Let us reason, He says. You have become your own burnt offerings. Your hands are raised, open palmed, in one moment. they are clenched as fists in the next. You could have been Sodom or Gomorrah. Still you are nothing but a dried vineyard whose grapes have fallen from the vine. He cannot see you while you refuse to cleanse yourself. He cannot smell the aroma of the offering. Remove the evil deeds and desires from your heart. Seek what is just, give the orphan a home, comfort the widow. Then you will once again walk in His sight. Come, let us reason. You are stained as scarlet. It runs deep in your flesh. But the Lord will bathe you, wash you clean of your sins. Your marks of disobedience will be white as snow. Come, let us reason. It is you that He has longed for. You are the single sheep He seeks in the wilderness. He calls your name over the barren land and waits for the day when you will answer. copyright 2017 - Donald P James J...

A Prayer of Asking

Lord, I ask You daily, to forgive me as I forgive others and then I let my life be governed by hate. Lord, I ask You to not pass judgement on me and then I judge others by my standards. Lord, I ask You not to condemn me and then I taste so much condemnation in my thoughts and words. Lord I ask You to see past my failings, to give me strength and then I admonish my brother when he gives in to struggles. Lord I ask You to be merciful, to make me a beacon of Your mercy, and then I don't listen to those who share their pain. Lord I ask You to mold me into the image of You, and then I stand distant when others need me most. copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr

Do Not Tell Anyone

"Do not tell anyone about the vision which has been shown to you until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead." We all stopped short along the trail leading down the side of the mountain.  Rocks and sand, words that hung heavy in the air.  What did He mean by this? We were coming to understand the terms He would use to describe Himself, Son of Man, Son of God.  We all had come to believe He was the promised messiah.  Even those waiting for us in the field understood that. What did raising from the dead mean? We kept away from the subject of death as we continued down to where the rest of our group waited.  He had mentioned this before, death and His raising.  We always chose not to venture too deep in the subject.  Instead we asked Him about the vision, about Moses and Elijah, about the suggestion to erect a tent, a place of worship, to honor the sight. "Why do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?" One of us asked....


Titian - Transfiguration I thought it was a dream, for we had all abandoned You to sleep                 while You prayed. We were tired from the climb and not yet filled                 with the Spirit. There were two others with You, fathers of our faith, who had not climbed the mountain                 by our side. Lord, You were radiant and Moses and Elijah had come from heaven                 to stand in Your presence. Let us make shrines on the mountain to honor all of you. The next moment fear stole our wonder. The sky darkened with thick clouds, as if a storm would come and blow us away. So many times I have been afraid, ...