Thankful (A Poem of Thanksgiving)

I am thankful that Jesus brought His love into the world
and gave it freely on the cross.

I am thankful that He has given light to the darkness
and dispersed my shadows.

I am thankful that He has brought into my world
the embrace of a loving spouse, my partner in faith.

I am thankful that He has seen me worthy
to be a father and a grand parent.

I am thankful for tiny foreheads that I can kiss
and ears hearing my promise to love always.

I am thankful for each breath I am given,
whether the air is cold, warm or somewhere in between.

I am thankful that the sun rises at His command, each morning
and lights my day.

I am thankful for bread, milk, honey and broccoli
to nourish the body molded for my soul.

I am thankful for a hard days work
and for the muscles crafted for each and every task.

I am thankful for the song reminding me of the Lord's love
and for the ability to sing along.

I am thankful for words, spoken and written
praising the giver of all good things.

And I am thankful for the night's sound sleep
when I am fatigued from the day.

copyright 2016 - Donald P James Jr 


  1. I love that you are thankful for broccoli! I am thankful that you made eating veggies cool when I was little ;)

  2. There is a song by Joe Wise called A Creed, where he says, I believe in Volkswagen and Special K. I always liked the way he threw that into the lyric of a song about faith.


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