John 16:2

In fact, 
the time is coming 
when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service 
to God.

John 16:2

This week I read about death,
bombs and nails,
and parents waiting for their children to come home after a concert.

innocent life,
the radical one kills in the name of God.

Not the God I know.
My God is love.
My God embraces my soul.
My God offers me peace, a reward for loving,
not hating.

the weaving of history
shows my God and his God to be the same.

Sons of a dessert nomad,
we are brothers,
each having taken up weapons against the other.

I am not innocent,
neither are you,
of claiming victory in God's name.

But there is no reward
for killing even the most evil among us,
just the anguish of a God who is the essence of love.

copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr


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