Jealousy (Matthew 20:16)

“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Matthew 20:16 

we have walked in the way of holiness
our entire lives
and our reward
is the same as he who sought You
in his final hours.

we have fought the battle
and crawled along the difficult road,
while they slandered,
drank fine wine
and lusted.

we have accepted You
before our peers,
stood by Your word
in print and heart,
yet they share equally
the reward of Your kingdom.

The last shall be first.
Am I a worker on a street corner,
hired at first sunrise,
or am I he
who stood waiting for a job
in the hot day's sun.

Help me
to not see Your kingdom
as I
would wish it to be,
where only those
I understand as righteous
stand before Your throne.

copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr


  1. May jealousy never be our cup and portion, for it destroys and eats us up!


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