Are You Thirsty?

Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters;
And you who have no money come, buy grain and eat.

Isaiah 55:1 

Are you thirsty?
Is your throat parched?
Then come to the water,
a living stream.
You will not leave

If you are poor,
without food and shelter,
come and rest,
eat and drink.
Wine, milk and honey,
and free.

Why do you spend what you have
without satisfaction.
You consume that which is not bread,
drink tainted water.
No wonder you starve
and thirst for more.

Eat your fill,
of food rich.
until your dried throat is no more.
His word comes to you
like a fountain.
You will eat at His banquet,
invited by the master.

Are you thirsty?
Is your throat parched?
Then let Him wrap His arms around you
and make an eternal covenant
through the gift
of His love.

copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr


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