Promise of Protection (Psalm 3)

O Lord, how many are my foes!  They rise up against me;

Psalm 3:1 

They challenge Your promise,
saying You cannot protect me
from their desire to cause me harm,
but when their threats mount
You shield me.
You show me the path to victory.

I lie in the fields
at night,
like a shepherd with his sheep.
I rest soundly,
knowing You stand beside me Lord,
protecting me
from my enemies assault.

I am not afraid,
although I am one
and they are many.
For You hear my prayer of submission,
You will save Your beloved.

bless the people
You call Your own,
bring them victory
when defeat stalks them,
bring them peace
when their enemy brings war.

copyright 2017 - Donald P James Jr


  1. Thank you, this was beautiful..I going through a periods of the "enemy strikes" but the Lord is comforting everywhere with words and your poem brings it out powerfully and wonderfully..

    1. So glad you find beauty in these words. God bless you, always


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